Brenda Lee and the Palace of Princesses (2021)

Brenda Lee and the Palace of Princesses UHD 4K
Brenda Lee and the Palace of Princesses
8.5/10 by 2 users
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Watch Streaming Brenda Lee and the Palace of Princesses (2021) : Online Movies A musical that brings a bit of the history of Brenda Lee, called the "guardian angel of transvestites", activist who founded the first support house for people with HIV/AIDS in Brazil. She has a pension for transvestites who, for the most part, live off prostitution. Despite the reality of violence in which they live, inside the house, the transvestites are welcomed by Brenda, who teaches them to want more out of life.

Release Date:Oct 14, 2021
Genres:, , ,
Production Company:Núcleo Experimental
Production Countries:Brazil
Casts:Veronica Valenttino, Ambrosia, June Weimar, Marina Mathey, Tyller Antunes, Olivia Lopes, Fábio Redkowicz, Chico Felitti
Plot Keywords:musical, lgbt, brenda lee

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