Mein Herz schlägt Rot! (2006)

Mein Herz schlägt Rot! UHD 4K
Mein Herz schlägt Rot!
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Free Watch Mein Herz schlägt Rot! (2006) : Online Movie Championships, tears, and triumphs – the DVD for all Bayern fans! A review of all the big moments of the club’s history. Be it the Champions League triumph in Milan or the defending of the double in recent times. This DVD recalls the very biggest of players, the most successful coaches, and the most important moments, which turned FC Bayern Munich into what it is today: Record champion and most important representative of German soccer. There is a reunion with leading players, goal scorers, and goalkeeping legends of the last decades. Wonderful moments become alive again when you enter into the world of FC Bayern Munich. In the end, the certainty remains: My heart beats red!

Release Date:Nov 22, 2006
Production Company:Starmedia Home Entertainment, Sports and More
Production Countries:Germany
Plot Keywords:munich, germany, football (soccer)

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