Standoff (2016)

Standoff UHD 4K
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Watch Free Standoff (2016) : Movie Online A troubled veteran gets a chance at redemption by protecting a girl from an assassin after she witnesses a murder. Holding a shotgun with a single shell, he engages in physical and psychological warfare in a desperate fight for the girl's life.

Release Date:Feb 26, 2016
Production Company:First Point Entertainment, Goldrush Entertainment, Maple Leaf Films, Voltage Pictures
Production Countries:Canada
Casts:Thomas Jane, Laurence Fishburne, Jim Watson, Ella Ballentine, Joanna Douglas, Ted Atherton, Laura de Carteret, John Tench, Darcy Roy, J.J. Dimichele, Craig Porritt
Plot Keywords:mask, loss of loved one, camera, rifle, revenge, murder, death of son, graveyard, eyewitness

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