Trains Along the Upper Mississippi Volume 1 (1999)

Trains Along the Upper Mississippi Volume 1 UHD 4K
Trains Along the Upper Mississippi Volume 1
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Watch Free Trains Along the Upper Mississippi Volume 1 (1999) : Online Movie Flanking the western shore of the upper Mississippi River runs Canadian Pacific's River Subdivision, a busy main line that supports a nonstop flow of traffic. Pentrex traveled the line in 1999, through hot summer days and cold winter chill to bring you the excitement of railroading in this scenic territory. Beginning at River Junction, just west of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, we follow the line to St. Paul, Minnesota. As much of the subdivision hugs the mighty Mississippi, we spot the trains against backdrops of wooded bluffs and sometimes blue, sometimes frozen waters. Milwaukee Road and Soo Line operated this route prior to Canadian Pacific. You'll see motive power and varied paint schemes from all three appearing frequently, such as Milwaukee Road GP40s, Soo Line SD60s, and Canadian Pacific's AC4400s. Highlights include a candy apple red Soo Line SD40-2 and a Canadian Pacific SD40-2F "Red Barn" wearing the dual flag paint scheme, not to mention plenty of Soo Line cabooses.

Release Date:Dec 10, 1999
Production Company:Pentrex
Production Countries:United States of America
Plot Keywords:freight train, trainspotting

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