Art as a Weapon (2014)

Art as a Weapon HD
Art as a Weapon
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Full Free Watch Art as a Weapon (2014) : Movies Without Downloading Street art, creativity and revolution collide in this beautifully shot film about art’s ability to create change. The story opens on the politically charged Thailand/Burma border at the first school teaching street art as a form of non-violent struggle. The film follows two young girls (Romi & Yi-Yi) who have escaped 50 years of civil war in Burma to pursue an arts education in Thailand. Under the threat of imprisonment and torture, the girls use spray paint and stencils to create images in public spaces to let people know the truth behind Burma's transition toward "artificial democracy." Eighty-two hundred miles away, artist Shepard Fairey is painting a 30’ mural of a Burmese monk for the same reasons and in support of the students' struggle in Burma. As these stories are inter-cut, the film connects these seemingly unrelated characters around the concept of using art as a weapon for change.

Release Date:Jun 12, 2014
Production Company:Breadtruck Films
Production Countries:Thailand, United States of America, Myanmar
Casts:Shepard Fairey, Erik Nordrvedt, King Zero, Rebel Riot
Plot Keywords:buddhism, buddhist monk, revolution, san diego, california, graffiti, thailand, nonviolent resistance, punk rock, burma, street artist, youth culture, obey

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