In Cold Blood (1959)

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In Cold Blood
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Watch Full In Cold Blood (1959) : Summary Movies Carlos a young man who lives in the suburbs of the big city has ambitions and wants to change his life. Influenced by friends of doubtful moral character, habituated to frequent harmful environments. Little by little, he begins to see himself doomed to crime and one day he abandons his girlfriend, María, for Isabel, an attractive and intelligent woman who plays with him and takes him wherever he wants. When Carlos, once he has committed a robbery, realizes the nature of Isabel and his friends, and that he will never be happy in that environment, he tries to go back, but the violence of the facts will lead him to a bloodthirsty outcome.

Release Date:Dec 14, 1959
Production Company:Urania Film, Este Films
Production Countries:Spain
Casts:Arturo Fernández, Gisia Paradís, Carlos Larrañaga, Fernando Sancho, Miguel Angel Gil de Avalle, María Mahor, Aurelio Pardo, Manuel Cano, José Dacosta, Juan Carlos Monterrey, José Luis Barcelona
Plot Keywords:robbery, murder, betrayal

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