Tennessee Williams' South (1973)

Tennessee Williams' South HD
Tennessee Williams' South
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Watch Full Tennessee Williams' South (1973) : Movies Online The brutes and the belles. The gadflies and the good ol' boys. The taboos and the profound truths. They're all part of a tennessee state of mind -- a realm of places, personalities and ideas. Williams is front and center for this exploration, reading from his works, placing them in the context of his life, and serving as guide in visits to his career-shaping refuge in New Orleans and his later-day writing quarters in Key West. Also, dramatizations by distinguished actors -- including Jessica Tandy, Broadway's original Blanche DuBois, in a recreation of her A Streetcar Named Desire triumph -- give flesh-and-bone immediacy to some of the writer's famed works. In his own words. In his own places. The resilient character and memorable characters of one of our greatest writers reside in Tennessee Williams' South.

Release Date:Jan 01, 1973
Production Company:CBC
Production Countries:Canada
Casts:Tennessee Williams, Harry Rasky, Burl Ives, Colleen Dewhurst, John Colicos, William Hutt, Jessica Tandy, Michael York, Maureen Stapleton
Plot Keywords:stage, interview, retrospective

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